The AR-15, and it’s near-infinite clones, is one of the most recognizable, beloved, bemoaned, controversial rifles in the American firearms lexicon. But it’s universal proliferation and the malicious media campaign it continues to endure has left many “average” gun owners and would-be consumers with more questions than answers. This is as unsurprising as it is […]


Despite what popular culture might tell you, youth shooting sports are alive and well in the United States. Arguably our national pastime, competitive shooting is an excellent way to introduce our nation’s youth to not only safe handling but healthy sportsmanship, self-discipline, and character in the face of adversity. There are a number of great […]

How-To: Indoor Hunt Prep

Hunting season – for some, is the most wonderful time of the year. Far more than the thrill of the chase, hunts carry deep significance ranging from harvested food to cultivated memories. While there are large amounts of time and attention spent on physical hunt prep (what to pack) or hunter’s education/licensure, marksmanship training specifically […]

How To Pack Your Range Bag

Packing your range bag is like packing your suitcase for a trip. You need to strike a balance between having everything you could possibly want and having a bag that’s still portable and of reasonable weight. So how do you achieve a balance? Whether you spend the money on a high-end dedicated range bag or […]


As inflation continues to eat away at our money, and the world at our time, the ability to train with your firearm extensively or regularly has become more goal than reality for most. Going to the range less frequently and firing fewer rounds when you do go have become a necessary sacrifice for many shooters. […]

Solving Shooting Problems Before They Start 

Make no mistake, shooting is difficult. Since the invention of gun powder mankind has been on a constant progression towards proficiency with projectile weapons. What we’re going to do is shave some of that curve and help you build confidence, allowing you to enjoy the outcome faster.  Let’s start with picking the right tool. Is […]

Low Light Training

The world is in darkness 50% of the time so, if you carry a firearm for self defense and you’re not practicing for low-light shooting, there is a 50% chance you will be guessing on your own performance in a life-or-death encounter. While leaving your life-saving abilities to chance is a risky, and arguably irresponsible, […]

Self Defense and Non-Lethal Options

When you’re in a place where certain implements such as a firearm are not an option, knowing how to defend yourself with what you have at hand is an invaluable skill.

Home Defense

An easy way to look at home defense is the same way you might look at your home itself…because simply having a gun is NOT all that’s required to successfully defend the home.

Firearms Classes For Ladies

Men and women think differently, and we need to keep this in mind when deciding what firearms training courses we should take and what instructors we take them from. A good place to start is looking for firearms classes for ladies only.

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